Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar A brief description and comparison of the popular research databases. The h index of an individual soil scientist is about 0.7 times the number of years since 2009. Despite citation counts from Google Scholar (GS), Web of Science (WoS), and Scopus being widely consulted by researchers and sometimes used in research evaluations, there is no recent or systematic evidence about the differences between them. In the "Cited Work" box, enter the journal abbreviation for a specific journal title. Several previous studies have compared different databases, either through a direct comparison of article coverage or by comparing the citations across the databases. citation-based and citation-enhanced databases. Nowadays, the world’s scientific community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in different scientific fields. Citation databases are databases that have been developed for evaluating publications. During the examined years, Iran has published 49198 documents in The citation databases enable you to count citations and check, for example, which articles or journals are the most cited ones. Web of Science (WOS) was the only international and multidisciplinary database until 2004. Web of Science (previously known as Web of Knowledge) is a collection of databases maintained by Thomson Reuters, including at Southampton key databases in biology (Biosis) and physics, electronics & computing databases (Inspec). Elsevier introduced Scopus in 2004 as a good replacement for WOS.These two databases to index prestigious journals have been compared from different aspects. Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar are three valuable tools for researchers, which are often used when conducting literature research, evaluation of research/researchers and citation analyses. Scopus is considered by many to be the primary competitor to the Web of Science database for citation analysis and journal ranking statistics.. It seems that two most extensive databases are Web of Science and Scopus. Introduction Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus are the most widespread databases on different scientific fields which are Scopus is considered by many to be the primary competitor to the Web of Science database for citation analysis and journal ranking statistics.. Objective: To compare the citation count profiles of articles published in general medical journals among the citation databases of Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Keywords: web of science, scopus, database, citations, provenance, coverage, searching, citation tracking, impact factor, indexing, h-index, researcher profile, researcher ID 1. The Scopus web site claims this database is the "largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research." Current Science 89: 1537-1547. Science, and the h index in Scopus is on average 1.1 times larger than Web of Science. Web of Science. of the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar . Other databases are now available, but their relative performance has not been established. Meho, L.I. Up to 2009, more than half of the citations in the Web of Science were from Korean researchers, but from 2010 to 2012, more than 85% of the citations were from international researchers. Design Cohort study of 328 articles published in JAMA, Lancet, or the New En-gland Journal of Medicine between October 1, 1999, and March 31, 2000. Web of Science returned 294 and Scopus 286 articles. Web of Science. Scopus and Web of Science Comparative Trial March 17-April 17. However, during the last few years some new scholarly databases, such as Dimensions, have come up. Several previous studies have compared different databases, either through a direct comparison of article coverage or by comparing the citations across the databases. Objective – To determine whether three competing citation tracking services result in differing citation counts for a known set of articles, and to assess the extent of any differences. Browse more than 70 science journal titles. The Scopus and Web of Science databases share a number of similar features, but differ in the sources cited and coverage. Comparing Bibliometric Analysis Using PubMed, Scopus, and Web … This study is an attempt to fill this research gap. The KJIM 2010 impact factor increased to 0.623 in Web of Science. In addition, various aspects of the methodology of database coverage comparisons are discussed., – Calculations of the overlaps between the journal lists of Web of Science and Scopus and some other major scientific databases … The Creighton University Libraries are conducting a trial to compare the Scopus and Web of Science databases. for Articles Published in General … Michels, C. and Schmoch, U. Scopus is a subscription database from Elsevier that is an alternative to Thompson's Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports. What Is Web of Science? Currently, there are no general, comprehensive databases or services that represent a major challenge to Web of Science as the citation analysis tool than Scopus and Google Scholar. Yes, on Advanced Search page, but options quite limited compared to those offered on Web of Science and Scopus. The coverage of different disciplines also varies greatly. Total ci-tation counts for each article up to June 2008 were retrieved from Web of Science, Although the concept of inclusive education is comparative new but it has produced a body of Being the largest curated abstract and citation database of research literature in the world today, and often selected by customers for the breadth and depth of its content, Scopus indexes three main types of scientific content: research journals, conference proceedings, and scholarly books. – The purpose of this paper is to identify the utility of Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar as citation analysis tools for the social sciences., – The 25 most‐accessed articles in 163 social sciences journals are searched in three citation databases., – Web of Science has long been the only tool for citation analysis. Not everything contained in Scopus or Web of Science is full-text or comes from a scholarly publication. reference and citation-enhanced databases like Google scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. Citation databases are used to measure individual and institutional citation performance. Jacsó P (2005). AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in a number of services, including these leading databases: The Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Science) Scopus (Elsevier) Inspec. Downloadable! Keywords: web of science, scopus, database, citations, provenance, coverage, searching, citation tracking, impact factor, indexing, h-index, researcher profile, researcher ID 1. The list of Web of Science-indexed articles (n = 294) was our sample for further analysis. Generally use the 'View Full Text at Publisher' link rather than the … We present a large-scale analysis of the accuracy of citation data in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. GS contains a lot of non-scientific citations. Traditionally, Web of Science and Scopus have been the two most widely used databases for bibliometric analyses. Comparisons of Citations in Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar . Citations can also be retrieved from Google Scholar (GS) keeping in mind the limitations of the database. 210,000 events. Indeed, citation counts are clearly the main SEO factor in these academic search engines. Google Scholar. The comparison showed that all articles returned by Scopus were included in Web of Science database. Institute for Scientific Information came into being in the year 1960. Thomson Reuters' Web of Science (WoS), Elsevier's Sco pus and Google's Scholar are the major online databases that serve as platforms to evaluate the impact of the sci entific journals. Generally use the 'View Full Text at Publisher' link rather than the 'Find Full Text' button. Web of Science also allows for Cited Reference Searching, searching for articles that have cited a previously published work.. Whether these new databases and tools complement or represent alternatives to Web of Science (WoS) is important to explore. Current Science-Bangalore-, 89(9), 1537. . Hi, SCI stands for Science Citation Index which was started around the year 1900 by Eugene Garfield whereas Scopus is Elsevier’s Citation and abstract database. Creating alerts and using My Scopus. Web of Science is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information... Research Metrics (c) Impact Factor of journal as per Journal Citation Report, SNIP, SJR, IPP, Cite Score B. The database covers the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. The largest subscription-based database of citations and abstracts is SciVerse Scopus®. 14,558 inactive. This report analyses the coverage and functionality of Scopus and compares it to ISI's Web of Science and Google Scholar. Scopus is an interdisciplinary bibliographic online database launched in 2004 containing abstracts and citation database as a competitor to Web of Science. Scopus and Web of Science are the two largest interdisciplinary abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature in the sciences. Web of Science: ISI Indexing. The number of citations was checked in all 3 databases. This study compares Scopus and Google Scholar with Web of Science for locating citations to individual papers and authors. In recent years, numerous articles have compared the coverage, features, and citation analysis capabilities of Scopus™ and Google Scholar with Web of Science®, a Web-based version of Science Citation Index. The Journal Coverage of Web of Science, Scopus and Dimensions: … Scopus has cleaner data than Web of Science; but Web of Science includes citation data for far older records. Setting – Three citation tracking databases: Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science. 9.8 million papers. Feature Scopus (as of 01/2020) Web of Science (as of 01/2020) Indexed Journals. Gscholar As we may search - Comparison of major features of the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar citation-based and citation-enhanced databases. Inclusive education research area was selected as a particular case in this research. Several citation databases should be used to calculate citation impact as journal indexing and citation counts vary in each database. The most important multidisciplinary databases containing citation information are Web of Sciece (WoS) by Thomson Reuters and Scopus by Elsevier. Given that the various scientific databases have their own characteristics, we aimed in this article to compare the utility of the current most popular sources of scientific information in biomed-ical sciences, namely PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, in retrieval of information on a specific biomedical subject and in up-to-date citation analysis. Whether these new databases and tools complement or represent alternatives to Web of Science (WoS) is important to explore. Context: Until recently, Web of Science was the only database available to track citation counts for published articles. The number of citations can vary a lot between Web of Science, Scopus and especially GS. Nowadays, the world’s scientific community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in different scientific fields. Includes three large, multidisciplinary databases: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (1975 - present), Social Sciences Citation index (1898 - present), and Science Citation Index (1970 - present). (Field Searching) Yes. Web of Science. That’s why if among your periodicals there are journals, which are worth going global, our team will be happy to help you in carrying out proper procedures for its inclusion in the chosen database. tion indicators were elucidated. This paper presents a case study comparing citations found in Scopus and Google Scholar with those found in Web of Science (the portal used to search the three ISI citation databases) for items published by two Library and Information Science full‐time faculty members. The highest standard deviation in all three citation databases is related to computer science journals and lowest standard deviation is related sociology journals. features of the Web of Scopus, and Google Scholar citation-based and citation-enhanced databases Peter Jacso Department of Information and Computer Science, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA Keywords: Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science. Traditionally, Web of Science and Scopus have been the two most widely used databases for bibliometric analyses. 21,100: Indexed Proceedings: 120,000 events. The documents which specified Iran as their affiliated country published during 1998-2007 were selected as Iran’s publications in the two databases. Using citations to the work of 25 library and information science faculty members as a case study, this paper examines the effects of using Scopus and Google Scholar (GS) on the citation counts and rankings of scholars as measured by WoS. The analysis is based on citations given in publications in Elsevier journals. The content in Scopus and Web of Science is overlapping but not completely. However, during the last few years some new scholarly databases, such as Dimensions, have come up. As mentioned earlier, Web of Science, which comprises the three ISI citation databases, has been the standard tool for a significant portion of all citation studies worldwide. Interesting question. Hi, Both databases are used by subscription, and both have research functions, the difference between the two is that Clarivate Analytics is more s... Web of Science includes articles and conference papers from the 1960s and onwards, as well as references to older material. The growth of science and database coverage. This resource offers a larger range of journals than Web of Science but, like Web of Science, also has a science focus over the humanities and social sciences. Web of Science also provides a unique search method, cited reference searching. citation impact in the two popular citation databases, Scopus and Web of Science. The Science Citation Index of the Web of Science and the PubMed database were searched using various combinations of the terms Herpes simplex, HSV-1, HSV-2, plant compounds (and derivative words), natural products, antiherpetic drugs, clinical trial, in vivo, mouse, in vitro, and therapeutic index to identify relevant articles published between 1954 and 2010. Scopus and Google Scholar were also chosen because they represent major competitors to Web of Science in the field of citation analysis and bibliometrics. Currently, there are no general, comprehensive databases or services that represent a major challenge to Web of Science as the citation analysis tool than Scopus and Google Scholar . The citation databases enable you to count citations and check, for example, which articles or journals are the most cited ones •In a citation database you get information about who has cited an article and how many times an author has been cited. Google Scholar, as for the Web in general, can help in the retrieval of even the most obscure information but its use is marred by inadequate, less often updated, citation information. The H-indexes from Web of Science, Scopus, KoMCI, KoreaMed Synapse, and Google Scholar were 8, 10, 12, 9, and 18, respectively. Hello, Web of Science is a platform consisting of several literature search databases designed to support scientific and scholarly research. The We... They both contain 10s of thousands of articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Citation databases, also called bibliogra-phic databases, are used to combine informa-tion related to bibliographic productivity and ... Italian forest researchers using the Web of Science, SCOPUS and SCIMAGO databases Gherardo Chirici For long time a … The Scopus web site claims this database is the "largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research." 21,00 active journal titles are indexed in Web of Science, 110,000 proceedings from conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia worldwide, and 90,000+ books. Both databases export citation data for items appearing in the University of Auckland's Research Outputs. Research Metrics (d) Metrics: h- Index, i10 index, altmetrics Objective: To compare the citation count profiles of articles published in general medical journals among the citation databases of Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Design: Cohort study of 328 articles published in JAMA, Lancet, or the New England Journal of Medicine between October 1, 1999, and March 31, 2000. sciences, whereas Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar cover most scientific fields. Use the journal abbreviation list, linked below the search box (View abbreviation list), to find the correct abbreviation of the journal name you are searching. Scopus is a bibliographic database containing abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. It covers nearly 22,000 titles from over 5,000... ISI databases (or Web of Science [WoS]), however, may no longer be sufficient because new databases and tools that allow citation searching are now available. citation databases. Design – Citation analysis, observational study. Web of Science is an interdisciplinary article- and citation database like Scopus. Yes. Scopus and Google Scholar were also chosen because they represent major competitors to Web of Science in the field of citation analysis and bibliometrics. DIT Library subscribes to the following citation databases: Scopus ; Web of Science ; The following may be accessed free of charge: Google Scholar Citations ; Publish or Perish . List of Scopus expanded journals December 2019 Some other databases, such as SciFinder Scholar (chemistry), PsycInfo and PubMed, allow citation searching of smaller sets of journals and/or journals focused on specific disciplines. It is a product of Elsevier, indexing more than 19,500 journals, conference proceedings, and patents from life, health, physical and social sciences, and humanities, with coverage exceeding that of WoS by 20% . Web of Science and Scopus are two world-leading and competing citation databases. Introduction Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus are the most widespread databases on different scientific fields which are Scopus Coverage. ISI databases (or Web of Science), however, may no longer be adequate as the only or even the main sources of citations because new databases and tools that allow citation searching are now available. Dimensions was introduced as an alternative bibliometric database to the well-established Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, however all three databases have fundamental differences in coverage and content, resultant from their owners' indexation philosophies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(12): 2499-2508. Databases such as Scopus and Web of Science contain citations to the material. Index/citation databases help you discover and identify useful articles for your topic. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. prehensive study has been conducted at Utrecht University Library comparing Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar with regards to coverage and functionality [12]. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. In such environment, it is essential to know which databases are equally efficient and objective for literature searches. The bibliometric & citation features use the whole of the Scopus database. Web of Science covers the oldest publications, because its indexed and archived records go back to 1900. The most comprehensive sources of citation data are the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. Both databases export citation data for items appearing in the University of Auckland's Research Outputs. Scopus has cleaner data than Web of Science; but Web of Science includes citation data for far older records. … Note: None of the citation databases cover all publications. Following its acquisition by Thomson Reuters and merger into Clarivate Analytics, we now call it as “Web of Science”. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research. Scopus and Web of Science are the largest worldwide-used citation databases. Web of Science. Assistance in inclusion of journals in international citation bases such as Scopus or Web of Science opens up new vistas before any publishing house. medical journals among the citation databases of Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. – The purpose of this research is to provide the scientific community with some quantitative data of relevance to the evaluation of two major citation databases. 70 million citations (individual papers not listed) Date Range The Scopus indexed journals are classified to 4 levels Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, to the best of my knowledge, there are always many of them are excluded... The Web of Science provides seamless access to current and retrospective multidisciplinary information from approximately 10.000 of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world. Subject collections Read the very best research published in IOP journals. 2012. From databases such as Korean Medical Citation Index (KoMCI), Web of Science, and Scopus, citation indicators such as the impact factor, SCImago journal rank (SJR), or Hirsch Index were calculated according to the year and the results were drawn. Over time, the metrics increase in all three databases but fastest in Google Scholar. Scopus is a new entrant in the market for multidisciplinary citation databases. Elsevier introduced Scopus in 2004 as a good replacement for WOS.These two databases to index prestigious journals have been compared from different aspects. An unexpected finding is that, at certain points in time, Web of Science (WoS) used citations received as a key ranking factor, despite the fact that WoS support documents claim this factor does not intervene. CITATION DATABASES: SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE CITESCORE SJR SNIP H INDEX IF ISSUES . From my perspective, web of science (WOS) is better than SCOPUS. WOS journals are more strict in the peer-to-peer review process because they seek... Scopus. Citation Databases •Citation databases are databases that have been developed for evaluating publications. Scopus covers a wider journal range, of help both in keyword searching and citation analysis, but it is currently limited to recent articles (published after 1995) compared with Web of Science. Here in this article, let us have a glimpse of three popular indexing databases: Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed. SEARCH FEATURES. Databases (b) Citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus, etc B. and Sugimoto, C.R. Web of Science and Scopus: a journal title overlap study Web of Science and Scopus: a journal title overlap study Ylva Gavel; Lars Iselid 2008-02-22 00:00:00 Purpose – The purpose of this research is to provide the scientific community with some quantitative data of relevance to the evaluation of two major citation databases. Citation databases do not tend to provide a user with full-text access to the publications which have been indexed. Science Citation Index - (literature from 1900-present) Social Sciences Citation Index - (literature from 1956-present) … Access Web of Science (sign in for off-campus use, if necessary); Click on "Cited Reference Search" tab. Using a group of 15 library and information science faculty members as a case study, this paper examines the effects of using Scopus and Google Scholar (GS) on the citation counts and rankings of scholars as measured by WoS. Both databases focus on English language publications. The scientometric Web of Science (WoS) database consists of over 33,000 publications. Keywords: Citation, evaluation, impact factor, Scimago Journal Rank, Scopus, Web of Science.
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