The Advantages of Cloth Bags. Petroleum products are used to make plastic bags, which are nonrenewable resources. Plastic bags do not always remain in landfills due to their light weight. 2. Benefits of Recycling Plastic Bags 1. By using a reusable bag, you are not only reducing the amount of non-renewable resources necessary to produce plastic bags, but you’re also reducing the amount of money your community spends on clean up costs each year. Increases Awareness. Recycling Plastic Bags Prevents Litter Plastic is a large part of the waste stream, often ending up in forests and on roads. Plastic bags catch the wind They are hugely favored by retailers and customers alike. When they become litter, many find their way into drains and other waterways, clogging the pipes and restricting water flow. Less plastic waste in the environment. That is the reason it is best to reuse plastic bags as much as possible. So, these are some incredible advantages of using plastic bags for your business and home. Despite being an affordable and durable packaging solution, plastic bags would end up in landfill and ocean and pollute the planet. 8. Ban the Use of Plastic Bags. There are numerous advantages to using eco-friendly bags, including reduced waste, increased convenience, and many others. A plastic bag, poly bag, or pouch is a type of container made of thin, flexible, plastic film, nonwoven fabric, or plastic textile. As mentioned above, plastic bags are easily recyclable and require lesser energy to produce in comparison to the other packaging alternatives available. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, use crude oil and natural gas to manufacture, and require even more fossil fuels to ship. 16. Decrease Pollution The effects of plastic on the environment can be devastating. One important advantage of plastics is that they are pretty convenient to use. In 2008, a sperm whale was found beached in California. This may eventually lead the plant towards death due to loss of metabolic processes. Plastic bags are reusable, as trashcan liners, as storage bags, or for picking up after the dog. Easy Recycling. By eliminating plastic bags, stores can lower prices, helping shoppers save $18 to $30 annually. We currently use 500 billion bags annually, worldwide. It’s cheap, durable and can be used to make almost anything. Plastic does more than just be wasteful– it uses petroleum, takes up space in landfills, pollutes the ocean (research is finding disturbing amounts of plastic in the ocean), etc. The findings suggest that regulating plastic carryout bags led to an overall reduction in Californians’ plastic use—but the benefits were offset by leakage. Plastics are convenient. This is because the ban makes them curious why other nations are banning plastic bags. Cloth bags have become a popular alternative to plastic and paper shopping bags, in part because cloth bags do not cause the environmental harm of plastic bags. Side by side, they can encircle the world 7 times. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is a floating landfill of garbage in the Pacific twice the size of Texas, is mostly composed of plastic. According to a … Recycling plastic bags reduces the amount of energy usage, raw materials, pollution, as well as the waste Americans produce. Discarded bags are a threat to animals and their habitats. Cloth bags are a sustainable alternative to plastic. Plastic products such as plastic... 3. This causes carbon emissions and contributes to global warming. Here is why we should reduce the use of plastic –. 160,000 plastic bags are used globally every second! Even the plastic bags that we use to carry items every day can take 10 to 20 years to decompose naturally – but some of them can take up to an estimated 1,000 years. There are several important ecological advantages of plastic grocery bags over paper shopping bags. They are more durable than paper bags. Environmental Advantages. Reducing the use of plastic is important because plastic production requires an enormous amount of energy and resources. Plastic bags are not only harmful to the environment and wildlife, but also affect human health. Plastic packaging is also an important component to keeping the lifecycle environmental impact of a product down. For instance, if you go to the supermarket, you will likely use plastic bags to carry home the things you just bought since it is simply the most convenient way. But only a few of us realize that each time we accept those disposable plastic grocery bags at store checkout, we actively participate in wasting energy and depleting non-renewable resources. The majority of plastic bags are made of polyethylene, a substance that is derived from crude oil refining and natural gas processing. Bans eliminate bags, which equals less litter and less pollution. They often flutter away and are stuck in trees and littering our coasts. It is a common form of packaging. Therefore, you should throw away all your plastic bags and replace them with eco-friendly tote bags. The garbage pile, which is nearly double the size of Hawaii, is known as the Great Pacific Garbage. A plastic bag is used on average for 12 minutes, and can take over 500 years to decompose, explains D'Souza. Even though paper is better for the environment, I usually choose plastic, because I know that I will be reusing them.. It is true that recycling plastic bags is problematic. Luckily, one of the simplest and most economical ways to decrease our plastic consumption is by using eco-friendly bags. In the early 21st century, there has been a global movement towards the phase-out of lightweight plastic bags. Plastic bags are a convenient way to carry our purchased goods when we go shopping. When you throw away a plastic water bottle, then it could take 450 years. The two most prominent variants of carrying bags are the plastic bags and paper bags. Plastic bags are something that animals often pull out of residential garbage cans, and this plastic ends up on roadways and in forests. Plastic bags are made from non-renewable resources and contribute to climate change. Plastic bag litter is an eyesore that makes areas look rundown. Retailers are given the choice what to do with the proceeds, but they are expected to give it to good causes. That said, there are ways that Plastics harm our ocean environments. In fact, it is estimated that up to 10 million plastic bags are used every minute around the world [1]. Recycling is one of the most important steps towards the reduction of pollution, and it is fun too, especially when done in groups. A commonly used polymer for the fabrication of plastic bags is polyethylene, which is a long chain of ethylene monomers, the primary ingredient for a polymerization reaction. Therefore, you can wash them together with the rest of your clothes. Plastic bag bans stop the litter problem at the source and prevent environmental harm caused by bag litter. Plastic bags may get entangled with plants preventing them from getting adequate sunlight and nutrition; thus preventing them from carrying out photosynthesis and respiration. Check out the reasons below on why you should stop using plastic bags. She finds that the bag bans reduced the use of disposable shopping bags by 40 million pounds a year. 1. Plastic bags, similar to animals also affect plants. The plastic bag charge is not a tax, and does not go to the Government. Advantages of Plastic bags: Plastic bags are cheaper than their paper alternatives. Don’t throw those shopping bags out. 5 trillion plastic bags are produced yearly. Single-use plastic shopping bags, commonly made from low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic, have traditionally been given for free to customers by stores when purchasing goods: the bags have long been considered a convenient, cheap, and hygienic way of transporting items. Since they weigh so much less, they contribute far less solid waste to landfills when not recycled.. Disadvantages of Plastic Bags. While they cost a little more up front, there are many benefits of reusable bags, particularly when it comes to easing plastic bag pollution and the effects of plastic on the environment. Just why are plastic bags bad for the environment? Well, we all know plastic is causing a lot of problems for our society, but the problem is there is no good alternative for plastic. Plastic Recycling recovers the scrap or the waste plastic and reprocesses the material into useful products, The plastic is non-biodegradable, It includes melting down soft drink bottles and casting them as the plastic chairs and the tables, Plastics are recycled during the manufacturing process of plastic goods such as polyethylene film and the bags. Due to the resource efficiency involved in the creation of … Plastic bags are the main cause of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Plastic bags have contributed significantly to a massive pile of plastic debris found in the North Pacific Ocean. If you dump plastic in a small portion of soil then even a certain period of time, the plastic would remain unchanged in the soil. By Heather Lacey. By design, plastic bags are waterproof. There are dozens of uses for plastic grocery bags!. choose neither, use re-useable bags. 1. 1. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Plastic bags are used for containing and transporting goods such as foods, produce, powders, ice, magazines, chemicals, and waste. According to the American Chemistry Council, paper bag production requires 40%-70% more energy than the production of plastic bags. If asked paper of plastic? Q&A: Sustainability manager on the benefits of a plastic bag ban. As responsible individuals, we all must strive hard to increase the rate of recycling of either type of bags. Many of us use plastic bags or buy a bottle of water without a second thought, tossing the items in the bin shortly after. If only you can limit your use until you are able to 100% stay away from it, then you are helping the advocacy against plastic bags pollution. Plastic bags have a wide range of advantages but the list of disadvantages that it has is somewhat never ending. Plastic or paper is a question often heard at the check out of the grocery store. Advantages of using Plastic Grocery Bags 1. Since this type of bags is recyclable, this means they are also biodegradable. Plastic bags are very easy to use. They are a part of our modern lives, and we don’t tend to think much about them. When plastic bags are banned, this leads to a cleaner environment for people to see and also sends a global message to all the populations of how important it is to ban plastic bags to save the environment. Also, these bags are very durable since they are cotton-based ones. 10 thoughts on “ Importance of plastic in daily life ” Sandy June 16, 2016. Plastic bags last longer than plastic bags and can be repurposed, unlike paper bags. Plastic grocery bags have so many more uses than just bringing home the groceries. Recycling plastic is not efficient – only 9% of plastic ever produced has been recycled. Plastic bags can be reused and even rinsed for … If possible, do not use any plastic bags anymore. Plastic bags comprise 10% of the washed up garbage that pollutes American coastlines. The Advantages of Cloth Bags 1 Environmental Friendliness. Cotton, hemp or jute shopping bags are made from renewable natural fibers, unlike propylene plastic bags that are made from limited fossil fuels. 2 Strength. Cloth bags are thicker than plastic bags, which makes them strong enough to be used again and again. 3 Style. ... Credit: … It may be difficult to do that because plastic bags are normally easy and light to carry. Both of them have extremely low rates of recycling. Plastic recycling. In times of heavy rain, water cannot run off fast enough, streams overflow their banks and the surrounding land is flooded. Benefits of Recycling Plastic Bags 2. This is due to the sole fact that plastic is non-biodegradable. Conserve Resources Though they seem small and light, plastic bags have a much larger environmental footprint than you... 2. Retailers Retailers have always preferred plastic shopping bags. It … Plastic bags are not biodegradable: When plastics bags become litter, they pollute oceans, rivers, farmlands, cities, and neighborhoods.
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