Freedom March & People’s Assembly in Seattle, June 19 and 20, 2021 COMMUNITY EVENTS & CELEBRATIONS * June 14 – 19: The Schomburg Center’s Virtual Literary Festival: Reading the African Diaspora This year, the Arturo A. Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, a gem of the NYC Public Library system, is hosting their annual day-long Literary Festival over six days, June 14-19, 2021, as the center’s doors remain closed due to COVID-19. Here’s a look at all three events. Learn, Celebrate, Shop, and Reunite through our Virtual Juneteenth Celebration Learn Learn about African American history at Montpelier and throughout Orange County. -Courtesy of The Kimmel Cultural Campus From Emancipation to Black Lives Matter, Thee Phantom & The Illharmonic Orchestra Juneteenth Celebration will use Hip-Hop music to shine a spotlight on the importance of representation. we respect your privacy. June 1 - 30, 2021 Join us for Juneteenth 2021 as we virtually honor our ancestors and celebrate African American history, food, music, faith, family, and freedom! The celebration will culminate with the official Juneteenth holiday at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June 19, with a virtual gathering titled “Free to be Black.” ... People of all races, cultures and backgrounds can experience Juneteenth commemorations by attending virtual events hosted by some of Boston's most iconic museums and organizations or by visiting civic landmarks along Boston's Black Heritage Trail. Due to continued Covid restrictions we will not be able to produce our annual parade. JUNE 19, 2021. BAC’s Say It Loud Festival is one of three upcoming local theater events marking the 165th anniversary of Juneteenth between June 13 and 19. This year's theme song is "We've Come A Long Way" by Dorothy Norwood. Local Sorority To Host Virtual Juneteenth Celebration by Observer Staff June 11, 2021 CLICK ON MAGE TO ENLARGE Celebration of Juneteenth endures as an important symbol of African American freedom and American history, though many Americans only became aware of it during the historic civil unrest of 2020. Share This Event Facebook Twitter. JMF Corporation and Live Nation are partnering to host “Juneteenth R&B Summer Kick Off” at Levitt Pavilion on Friday June 18, 2021 an amazing concert experience to be headlined by a nationally featured artist 112. Share Understanding Juneteenth: An Online Presentation with your friends. Save Understanding Juneteenth: An Online Presentation to your collection. Share Understanding Juneteenth: An Online Presentation with your friends. Save Understanding Juneteenth: An Online Presentation to your collection. Jubilee … “Join us as this virtual evening of raw, bold, breathtaking performances from poets of all ages, presentations by a historian, and celebrations of unsung heroes who have paved the way will be followed by a community conversation. Juneteenth Virtual Celebration. Juneteenth in Boston, 2021. Zoom ID: 816 8366 1282 Zoom Passcode: 516647 YouTube: Word of Life Multimedia Facebook: Lawton/Fort Sill Interdenominational … First Name. | Apr. 13, 2021 Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day or Emancipation Day) is a day to honor and celebrate liberation. It was 156 years ago on June 19, 1865 that all Americans became free from slavery (despite the Emancipation Proclamation occurring two years prior). … Corona’s Juneteenth Independence Day 2021 celebration is … Last Name. June 18, 2021. The program will feature community speakers, musical performances and a virtual toast with a signature Junetini cocktail to mark the 156 th Juneteenth. This year's theme is "Managing the Hills We Climb." Volunteer in voter registration. ... Texas, which hosts the oldest known celebration of Juneteenth. Juneteenth, A Freedom Celebration 2021, June 27 Presented by the Elegba Folklore Society, Juneteenth, A Freedom Celebration is Richmond’s flagship Juneteenth holiday commemoration. Highlights of in-person and virtual events include those listed below. Marking the first celebration of Juneteenth by Cook County since it became an official paid holiday, the county’s week-long celebration kicks off Monday with a mix of virtual … During the month of June (or all … Social Media Toolkit Free for Orange County Residents and Montpelier Descendants, property … Virtual. Wednesday, June 16, 2021. CORONA. Register Today. Match Employees’ Donations to Social Justice Focused Nonprofits. JUNETEENTH VIRTUAL EVENTS 2021. Welcome to our Yolo Virtual Juneteenth 2021! Email Address. All participants will receive a fully inclusive canvas and acrylic paint kit and paper instructions including Zoom link. Streaming live on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitch. Sat, Jun 19, 2021 10:00 AM PDT (-07:00) Juneteenth Celebration 2021: Adult Virtual Paint Party! 10 a.m. CDT 2021 Virtual Juneteenth Celebration, presented by Zeta Phi Beta (via Eventbrite) In celebration of Juneteenth, Montpelier will be offering three specialized tours about the enslaved community at Montpelier and their journey to freedom. Juneteenth Philly, producer of the Philadelphia Juneteenth Parade and Festival, is excited to announce that we will host a series of events for the Juneteenth holiday. Virginia is celebrating the holiday all month long with events, speaker series, tours, and virtual offerings across the state. Tickets go on sale, Thursday May 20th. June 19, 2021 10am, 12pm, and 2pm. National Juneteenth Virtual Music Festival Friday, June 18 – Sunday, June 20 Special Opening Reception June 17 Honoring Ms. Opal Lee 3-Day In-Person Location: The Warehouse, 1125 E. … Say It Loud Festival. In celebration of all the challenges that we have historically and recently overcome, this year’s theme is “Still We Rise!” We thank the sponsors and vendors who helped make this event possible, and we invite you to visit their websites below. 8:00 PM. 6 p.m. CDT Juneteenth: A Story of Freedom (virtual program by the North Carolina Museum of History via Eventbrite) Saturday, June 19, 2021. The National Museum of African American History and Culture invites you to engage in your history and discover ways to celebrate this holiday. Celebrate Juneteenth and Black culture with Kalamazoo Public Library and the Black Arts and Cultural Center by joining a virtual paint party! OCAAHS Juneteenth Celebration Hosted by James Madison's Montpelier Celebrate with Us! 14 Juneteenth Events and Celebrations: In-Person and Virtual 2021 Calendar By Grace Kilander Juneteenth is an important day as it commemorates the effective end of … Virtual Juneteenth Celebration All Month! June 18, 2021 (In-person), 5 pm – 7pm Juneteenth Celebration Kits Handout Drive-Through. NAAM is holding a multitude of events through the week of Juneteenth, some virtual, some in person in Spokane! Thank you! Please check back on June 14, 2021 for new digital resources. All are invited to witness the intricate and creative program for free on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. PT. The Lawton Fort Sill City-Wide 2021 Virtual Juneteenth Celebration will take place from 3-4:30 p.m. Saturday, June 19, 2021, via Zoom. Juneteenth celebration kits for individuals to take home and plan their own celebrations. Check out the Juneteenth 2021 Raffle for a chance to win a new FitBit Charge 4, a 30 minute facial, gift cards to your favorite restaurants, and more! However we will host a series of events! Juneteenth online events begin Saturday; live, virtual events set for June 19 By Tempo staff Updated: Jun 10, 2021 10:14 AM Northwest African-American Museum (NAAM) Juneteenth Celebration Week, June 14-21, 2021. Our panelists: Subscribe to our mailing list to get updates on our 2021 Juneteenth celebration! Subscribe to our email list. June 17, 2021 (Virtual), 7 pm – 8:30 pm Panel Discussion- Finding the Path to Healing: Addressing Historical Trauma and the Black Experience. Friday, June 19, 2021 @ 10am – 9pm Car parade, panel discussion, musical performances, a socially distant kickback, and fireworks! Juneteenth Celebration in Oxnard – A Virtual Event: The Juneteenth Committee of Ventura County presents an online sharing of Black history and … The Washington Revels Jubilee Voices is excited to partner with the Alexandria Black History Museum to present the ensemble’s first-ever Juneteenth Celebration!. The virtual streamed concert will showcase lyrics, rhythm and music which have historically been a source of healing and empowerment for African Americans. Atlanta, GA — During the month of June 2021, Atlanta History Center is excited to present the 2021 Juneteenth celebration. 30th Anniversary Juneteenth Celebration presented JCVC. 2021 Spirit of Juneteenth … The nonprofit Juneteenth VA will hold a Juneteenth Celebration Festival being held on June 19, from 12-6 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Church located at … Join University of Massachusetts Amhert's Dr. Shabazz and Bay Path University's Dr. Jordan for a panel discussion about the history and importance of Juneteenth. Juneteenth 2021 celebrations in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Chandler, Mesa, Avondale and more, include marches, festivals, food and panel discussions. June 08, 2021. Traditional, in-person festivities such as the Parade and Festival will return on Saturday June 19, 2021. Millions of African-Americans have taken to social media to voice their plans to not celebrate the 4th of July (America’s Freedom Day), and instead celebrate THEIR Freedom Day which is the Juneteenth Holiday, June 19. The event is inviting local and surrounding area artists and speakers to send in videos, to “gather” virtually. It’s another year and Juneteenth still isn’t a national holiday. A virtual multi-generational Juneteenth Celebration 2021 by the community Friends commemorating the cultural heritage through narrative and music will take place from 3 … RIVERSIDE COUNTY. The first celebrations of Juneteenth were actually political rallies. Here are 20 Juneteenth events happening in person & online. WATERTOWN, N.Y. (WWTI) — To celebrate the now, New York State recognized holiday, Juneteenth, members of the North Country are invited to a virtual celebration. Sign Up. Ted Ellis. Juneteenth is a time to celebrate, gather as a family, reflect on the past and look to the future. This year’s celebration is made possibly by… Sponsorships available for both virtual and in-person event. A press release says this year’s celebration will focus on ways to honor and support African-American cultural traditions related to Juneteenth within communities in … Bay Path’s virtual Juneteenth celebration is scheduled for Friday, June 18th, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m and it is a free event open to the public but registration is still required. Central Virginia. The festival will feature a flag-raising ceremony, worship service, live entertainment, educational symposium, kid’s activities, vendor market and food. Celebrate Celebrate Juneteenth by watching and interacting with performers, musicians, historical interpreters, and artists. But the celebration continues. A Juneteenth Celebration will take place at 5-8 p.m. Saturday, June 19, at the Foote Lagoon amphitheater, 500 E. ... a virtual option is available. Organizer of 2021 Juneteenth Virtual Celebration THE AMISTAD CENTER FOR ART & CULTURE founded in 1987, owns and exhibits a collection of fine art, artifacts and popular culture objects that documents the experience, expressions and history of people of African descent. Join us for Juneteenth, premiering on Facebook and YouTube on Saturday June 19, 2021 at 8PM ET. Starting on Friday, June 4, eleven different events will take place around the Northwest Arkansas region, some in-person and some virtual. Freedom Songs Virtual Juneteenth Celebration Original Chicago Blues All Stars Revue with special guest Ugochi & A.S.E. The City of Yonkers and the Yonkers African American Heritage Committee will present its Citywide Juneteenth African Heritage Festival Weekend 2021 at Trevor Park. The Watertown Juneteenth Celebration will take a new spin on its usual in-person gathering in 2021. In 2020 Arts@ODU hosted a virtual tour of Ellis' exhibition to kick off the virtual Summer Arts Series.
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